jLauncher: A Sleek New App Switcher Alternative For Jailbroken iPhone

jLauncher is a new jailbreak tweak that aims to replace the app switcher and allow users to get the most out of multitasking according to the developer-John Corbett.

In iOS, when you double-click on the Home button, the app switcher or the multitasking bar appears at the bottom, showing the most recently used apps. You can swipe the bar to the left to see more apps, swipe the multitasking bar from left to the right to see the audio playback controls along with the orientation lock and swipe again from the left to the right to see the volume control and the AirPlay button.

jLauncher replaces this with all the controls in one screen with a translucent background along with the brightness control and date & time so you don’t have to waste time scrolling.

You can invoke jLauncher using an Activator action. We like the way jLauncher slides in from the edges. The jailbreak tweak has a native look and feel to it, so it doesn’t feel out of place compared to the other app switcher alternatives.

One downside of the jailbreak tweak is that, it doesn’t currently allow you to kill an app from the list of recently used apps, so you will still need the iOS app switcher until the developer includes the functionality in jLauncher.

The jailbreak tweak doesn’t provide any configuration options in the Settings app, all you need to do is configure the Activator action to start using it.

You can check out the video walkthrough of jLauncher below and let us know what you think:

jLauncher is available on Cydia for $1.99. It requires iOS 5 or higher.

If you’re looking for app switcher alternatives, check out Multifl0w, MissionBoard Pro, Dash, Aero, Switchy before buying jLauncher.

FlagPaint: Jailbreak Tweak Changes Color of Banner Notifications Based on The App

We’ve seen a number of jailbreak tweaks that allow you to change the font and color of the banner notifications, but a new jailbreak tweak called FlagPaint takes things to the next level by dynamically changing the color of the banner notifications based on the app.

So here’s how it works: If you get a banner notification for an iMessage, the color of the banner notification becomes green, if you get a banner notification for Twitter, the color of the banner notification becomes blue and so on.

The jailbreak tweak makes the background of the banner notification transparent by default, which can be disabled via the Settings app (Settings -> FlagPaint).

You can also remove the icon of the app from the banner notification or change the alignment of the text via the Settings app (Settings -> FlagPaint).

Check out the video walkthrough of FlagPaint below:

FlagPaint is available on Cydia for $0.99. If you use color labels in Gmail, you will dig this jailbreak tweak as it makes it easier to identify the banner notification is for which app by just looking at the color.

Let us know what you think in the comments below.