HTC claims to be ‘very, very happy’ with Apple settlement, slams media estimates

“Taiwan’s HTC Corp is happy with its patent settlement with Apple Inc, but regards media reports on details of the licensing agreement as ‘outrageous,’ chief executive Peter Chou told reporters on Tuesday,” Reuters reports. “HTC and Apple announced a global patent settlement and a 10-year licensing agreement this month after a bruising patent war between the two smartphone makers.”

“Responding to a question about media reports that HTC will pay Apple $6 to $8 per Android phone as part of the patent settlement, Chou said it was an outrageous estimate,” Reuters reports. “‘I think that these estimates are baseless and very, very wrong. It is a outrageous number, but I’m not going to comment anything on a specific number. I believe we have a very, very happy settlement and a good ending,’ said Chou at a KDDI Corp product launch in Tokyo.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Save that face, Petey! (Not.)

If you’re so “very, very happy” with your Android royalties, why is HTC promoting a Windows Phone handset on its homepage?

Fact is, HTC got their clock cleaned. Now, stick a cork in it and focus on Window Phone before your derivative little company goes the way of the Dodo.