Apple Scores with Digital Textbooks and App

Apple has again amazed the world with the launch of interactive e-books for the iPad. iBooks 2 is proofed to be a gift to those students who had get bored from their routine textbooks. It is the first multi-touch digital textbook that offers instant search, easy navigation and bookmarking, highlighting and interactive graphics. This app let the students to add numerous study cards, notes and by dragging their finger, they can highlight passages. This app is also enriched with interactive videos, animations and pictures.

Edward Baig, the USA today reviewer has described his experience of using the iBooks and has praised for the specific features added in the e-book. The updatability, portability and low price has made it the most demanding app. Now, students do not need to schlepp from class to class with the heavy load of textbooks. They can bring all the load of books with iPad.

According to the news report issued by Apple, iBooks 2 have hit the market hard and they have successfully made its place at the iPads of 600,000 users. Indeed it’s a huge success, that within 2 weeks of launch, iBooks 2 have gained enormous market. The success of this app however, depends on the school’s management and the teachers that how they will appreciate the use of iBooks 2 in their classes.

Apple is appreciating the Authors to make their textbook digitized. Thus they are offering the iBooks Author tools that encourage the authors to compile their textbooks, how-tos, cookbooks and other work digitally. They have provided the tools for developing the high tech textbooks, but, still it depends on the authors and publishers that they want to become the part of this or not. Apple is hoping that till the next coming year, lot of textbooks will be digitized for the students and they will be serving in better manner.

The only flaw of Apple is the price of iPads. Both the iPads are too much expensive. They cost approx $499, which every parent cannot afford for their children. On the other hand, the fact is that the textbooks for the schools are not less than 3 digits. And this software is only available at $14.99. Now, parents have to decide that they are ready to pay 3 digits expenses every time for the textbooks or want to acquire ipad for enjoying the iBooks 2 features.

Apple has also predicted the competition from already launched apps of e-books. They feel that the Barnes and Noble and will be soon responding to this launch.

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