Geeky Giveaway: Cheech and Chong’s Animated Movie


Hey all you geeks, we’re back with a brand new giveaway! This time we have the animated adventures of everybody’s favorite stoner comedians, Cheech and Chong! Come along for the ride as the duo relives some of their greatest routines, only now in animated form and on blu-ray.

Everyone’s favorite stoner duo is back – and animated – in CHEECH & CHONG’S ANIMATED MOVIE, rolling its way into Blu-ray and DVD April 23 from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. Directed by Branden and Eric D. Chambers, this high-larious feature-length adventure is the perfect film to watch at home with your best buds!

CHEECH & CHONG’S ANIMATED MOVIE showcases the legendary toker jokers like you’ve never seen them before – in animation. Catch the buzz as their most outrageous routines and laugh-out-loud lines from their ground breaking Grammy Award-winning albums come to life, including the original Ode recordings of “Dave’s not here,” “Let’s make a dope deal” and more. With help from a bud-lovin’ body crab named Buster, Cheech & Chong “the masters of the smokin’ word” deliver the ultimate comedy high and give you the munchies for more.

Ready to get your munch on? Want this toking fresh blu-ray we have to give away? Hit the break and blast up that Rafflecopter! Enjoy geeks!

a Rafflecopter giveaway