First TV Ad for Microsoft Surface: ‘Movement’

Microsoft Surface Ad

Microsoft has started running their first TV ads for their upcoming new tablet/laptop device, Surface. The ad is called ‘Movement’ and I saw it several times last night during Monday Night Football.

It shows off the ability to snap on it’s add-on keyboard and use its built-in stand. There are a lot of snapping and clicking sounds and a whole lot of musical and dance routines to go with them.

I think the ad is OK enough to watch, it’s not terrible like many Microsoft ads have been. But … it says just about zero about what you can actually do with this supposedly powerhouse new tablet/laptop. One of the great things about Apple’s iPad TV ads is that they focus on all the amazing iPad apps and what you can do with them. Of course, Microsoft probably does not have much to say in this area yet – but even so this first Surface ad seems awfully lightweight to me.

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